Monday, March 3, 2008


Hey everyone, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply--these past couple of weeks have been extremely aweful for me and I'm trying to keep everything in line--my grandfather has been in the hospital and I've been battling working on AR final reports, portfolio stuff, other classes, work, and driving to Pennsylvania to see him. Not exactly easy for me, so sorry I've neglected this, I forgot about it until I saw Dr. Benson last week in the Benedum hallway.

In terms of Action Research, I'm a little disappointed with my 11th graders and their choice in not reading the novel that went along with my graphic organizers to test my project. However, I am extremely glad I chose to have my 10th grade students do the same unit--as I have looked everything over, I am extremely disappointed that my results weren't more successful. Yes, some students understood better, and a handful at that, but I was hoping to see a huge change in grades and reading comprehension. Boo to that. It didn't work the way I wanted, but when I do look at it, I am glad to see that I was able to improve understanding of a few students.

Lauren, I can understand how you feel, especially when you said that you were crushed when it didn't work out, but how many other people had a 100% perfect turn out? It depended on our students, the atmosphere of the school, and so on--would it have worked in another classroom at another school? That's why it's research!

As for the book, great choice. Ashley, I completely agree with you in how you stated that they focused way too much on Elementary. It was an easy read--one of those you don't even realize how fast your eyes go over the words and how fast your turning the pages. Dr. Benson, I would have to say that Erin's story is definately appropriate in considering frustrations with our internship--I have many personally, however, I will not bore everyone with them, and I wouldn't want anything getting back to my host teacher. I like how Tensions and Triumphs gave us ideas with ways of coping with situations, as I've had a few nervous breakdowns in considering what I would experience in my classroom. It's definately nice to see that other people have considered, experienced, and worried about the same things. Overall, a good book and I would recommend it to more of the elementary people, but is helpful for secondary people, also.

Forgive me because this is so late, but I promise to try to get my other reply up sooner :) Thanks guys.


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